Ideas for tutorial :
anchored to [[191.00_anchor]]
Kompetitive Spiele, in Gruppen.
Verleih von kleinen 3DP Figuren nach Sieg?
-> Generell etablieren eines Spieles mit verschiedenen Scores über das Semester hinweg aufgesetzt.
Preis könnte sein:
- Trophäe für alle im Team
- Kuchen?
- Nvme-SSD ?
- Gutschein(e)
Ein Repository aufbauen, welches Informationen versteckt, die für eine Website benötigt werden
–> da ist eine API, die etwas zurückgeben kann, brauch aber einen speziellen Code
((( #TODO welches spiel finden? )))
vielleicht auch die Möglichkeit, dass man etwas gewinnen kann anbieten?
- Problem dadurch kann ein kompetitives Denken entstehen!
ich muss dennoch alle belohnen können!
Tutorial Repository:
[!Success] Idea: Update the Repository according to our current progress
Once we have issues introduced:
- create issues to improve commit messages
- rebase these messages?
Small game in repo:
contains information: b71a3df, also f82443a git log –graph –reflog
Füge wichtige Information hinzu, aber lösche sie anschließend –> man muss den richtigen Commit finden, wo der Change hinzukam!
- detached Commit, der Informationen zu einem anderen Commit drin hat?
Idea for OCP / Open Close Principle:
Because we also have topics like APIS; Design by Contract; SOLID I was thinking of writing a small backend one ought to find within the repository ( like a link to the domain + the dir structure and what one could send it and receive afterwards ).
Now to train the principle of OCP I thought that it could be cool to require the user to write some small Scala-program that will then get inserted into my code. If it satisfies its purpose ( the one I gave but did not share, or maybe only partially ) one will retrieve the correct answer and can continue solving the whole puzzle.
Regarding this endpoint I’m not entirely sure how I could go about this:
→ allowing uploading a file that contains scala code
→ piping its function ( I guess as module ? ) into my prepared code and then executing it ( but disallowing them to have it run longer than X seconds (( I dont want them to kill my machine ^))
One ought to find the correct seed for a random generator. -> the seed is fed in a specific endpoint that ought to be found too. Once this has been discovered –> they can send a seed there and get a password back! With this information gained they will get a specific dicepassword with which they can then enter something or send this password to me.